Weekly Reflection

Having Bible knowledge and understanding is great, however if the scriptures are not living and active in our lives, it is all in vain (Hebrews 4:12-13). The life application selections contain thoughts provoking, real life challenges that will prayerfully transform us to be more like Jesus in our spiritual journey. James 1:23-27 challenges us to not just merely listen or read the scriptures, it says “But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.” Do not miss your blessings my friends!

Revelation 3:20-NIV

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person and they with me.

Jesus in this Scripture is speaking to the church in Laodicea. The people he is talking to were already claiming to be his disciples. The church allowed sins to infiltrate their lives and changed their course away from God. Jesus, being the chief priest, is calling them to return to him. When Jesus walked amongst his followers in John 14:6-7, he declared that he is the only way to God. In Revelation 3:20, he is reminding and persuading the church that his door is always opened for them to come back if they choose to repent. He is calling the church back hoping like the prodigal son they will return home. What area (s) in your life do you need to hear God’s voice? He is ready to take you back (Luke 15:11-32).

Weekly Scripture Revelation 3:20-NIV

Psalm 23:1-NIV

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

Who is Lord of your life? The word Lord signifies that someone or something has full authority, power and influence over your life. That person or thing is your master and is also the source of your being. Is that who Jesus is your life? When David wrote this verse, it is obvious he was referring to how he views God’s authority in his life. God gave David the confidence that he lacks nothing as long as his creator is his shepherd. Does this message reflect your relationship with Jesus? Jesus calls us to carry our burdens to him (Mathew 11:28-30) and Paul confidently reminds us that our God will provide for all our needs (Philippians 4:19). Who is your Lord and your Shepherd? Who have you pledge your allegiance to (Romans 6: 17)? Oftentimes, there are many things or people who fill that role in our lives such as career advancement, children, relationship, wealth, etc. You fill in the blank! Can you confidently say Jesus is your Lord, Shepherd, and Master of your life?

Weekly Scripture Psalm 23:1-NIV

Galatians 6:7-TCJSB

Don’t delude yourselves: no one makes a fool of God! A person reaps what he sows.

Have you ever encountered a situation where you say this person is getting away with a lot? Or have you ever made a decision or did something, and you say to yourself nobody knows, this is my secret? Or have you been around people who say they are Christian, yet their speech and actions do not align with the word of God? Take some time to focus on your life knowing that God sees everything (Hebrews 4:13) and He promises we will reap what we sow during the time of final judgment (2 Corinthians 9:6; Romans 14:11-12)

Weekly Scripture Galatians 6:7-TCJSB

1 Peter 5:8-NIV

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

Growing up around individuals in my life who were often drunk, when I initially read this scripture, I connected it to having a sober mind from alcohol. Although this interpretation might be true for some people, I learned the writer is speaking of a deeper pollution of the mind that comes in different forms. Think about where you are in life at this time, what has Satan filled your mind with that continues to distract you from God’s purpose for your life?

Weekly Scripture 1 Peter 5:8-NIV

John 14:6-NIV

I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

 Often time, we hear people say there are many ways to God. There are many beliefs out there about how we can have access to God’s Salvation.   However, Jesus tells us that he is the only way to God.  When the world tells you differently or attempt to convince you otherwise, are you steadfast on your conviction that Jesus is the only way to God?   Or are we easily persuaded by the different religions or philosophy theories about how we get to God?

Weekly Scripture John 14:6-NIV

Proverbs 14:5-TCJSB

An honest witness will not lie, but a false witness lies with every breath.

Wow this scripture is convicting!  We live in a society where lies are very common.  I sometime hear the saying everybody lies.  Or this is just a small lie.  Or if my lie will save lives, it’s not wrong.  Jesus calls lies Satan’s native language (John 8:44).  1 John 2:21 reminds us there is no lie in truth.  What kind of witness are you in this world?  Are you a witness for Satan’s kingdom?  Or are you a witness of the truth/Holy Spirit?

Weekly Scripture Proverbs 14:5-TCJSB

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