Weekly Reflection

John 1:29 NIV

The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”

Jesus had been called many names as he proclaimed the good news as God’s ambassador while he was on earth.  The Lamb of God is one of the names. Have you ever taken time to meditate on Jesus as the ‘Lamb of God”? Jesus, the savior of the world, is frequently used to describe his ultimate purpose for mankind.  Jesus is indeed the Savior of the world! And he is also the sacrificial lamb who was murdered in our place and became the final sacrifice for us to be seen and heard by God (John 14:6-7).

 More importantly, just as God brought deliverance and judgement on the Egyptians through sacrificial lambs’ blood (exodus 12:1-13); in the same way, the blood of Jesus that was sacrificed for us has become a sign to protect us from destructive sins in our lives and proclaiming that we belong to God.  When John called Jesus the Lamb of God and declared he will take the sins of the world, he might not have fully understood the freedom that Christ would bring to humanity, but we are now living the full manifestation of his statement.  We no longer require sacrificing a lamb or rely on a priest to go before God on our behalf.  Jesus became our ultimate sacrifice! Jesus answered “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me, John 14:6) Imagine this! Your physical body is the house where his blood is smeared as a sign “No destructive plague will touch you” as judgement comes to this world when Jesus returns to separate the “sheep from the goats” (Mathew 25:31-33). Let us allow the Holly spirit, “who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance,” leading us into God’s sheep pen (Ephesians 1:13-14).

Weekly Scripture John 1:29 NIV

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