Weekly Reflection

Proverbs 31:8 NIV

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.

Heavenly Father God! I come before you in the name of Jesus Christ to present this prayer before your throne. Father God, please allow your Holy Spirit to show me how to speak for those in our society who have been marginalized. Father God, we live in a society where we are consuming and focusing on ourselves.  Father God, we often forget that all we have belongs to you and can be taken away in a split second.

Father, there are many amongst us who are destitute. Some by their own doing and some by others’ mistakes. As we go on in 2024, help us to be wise with our choice of words and actions to bring you glory and honor. Father, please forgive us as we easily forget that we ourselves were destitute when we were lost in our sins. Just like many people who are destitute, we were in a mess because of our own doing or others in our lives (Romans 5:6-8). Yet, you still took us and put a gold ring on our finger and called us a royal priesthood (1Peter 2:9). How can we become so arrogant to criticize, shame, ridicule the poor, the needy? Father God, I have never read any encounter where Jesus diminished the poor because of how they became poor, and he knew all things. Lord Jesus, teach us how to love, give freely, show impartial mercy as you have shown us full redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ. Father, help us to not focus on wealth and entitlement and look down on others. Teach us how to be set apart and be the beacon of light that shines in the world. Help us remember as we are being the ambassador of Christ, if anyone takes advantage of us, they are heaping coal on their head because our wealth belongs to you. Heavenly Father, my heart grieves for many Christians who often missed the Gospel according to Jesus because they want both worlds. Father, in the name of Jesus I am pleading for each one of us who have decided Jesus is Lord that our heart, soul, mind, and spirit to be united with the Good News according to Jesus examples. Father! Please guide our mouth to speak only your words, use our eyes to see others through your eyes and use our ears to hear and follow your direction. May our lives become the beacon of hope for everyone we touch in the name of Jesus! Amen!

Weekly Scripture Proverbs 31:8 NIV

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