About The Writer

Who is Annaika Dastine?

Photo of the Author Annaika Dastine

A sinner, who was adopted by the living God through the ultimate sacrifice of His son, Jesus Christ. Annaika Dastine, is a passionate daughter of the living God. Her gratitude for God’s grace and mercy has led her to dedicate her life to be used as a vessel of God. Her desire as she is being led by God’s Holy Spirit, is to inspire women and men to have an unfiltered view of the truth about Jesus according to the manifestation of his word in their lives.

As Annaika reflects on her journey with Jesus, she is in awe of God’s infinite love, grace and power. Through her past challenges and many trials, God continues to lead her through the storms of life. She has been married to her best friend Pierrot Dastine for over 22 years and they have a young adult son. She continues to depend on the Holy Spirit and the mentors that God has blessed her with over the years for spiritual insight and guidance. Annaika’s desire is for every child of the living God to experience a personal touch from Jesus as a friend and Messiah.

John 8:12-14 NLT

Jesus Spoke..." I am the light of the world.  If you follow me, you won't have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life."

Who is this Jesus Ministry?

He is the Everlasting Healing!

Hello my friend! Thank you for joining me in this life Journey with Jesus! Before you read this blog, I would like to share with you that I fought with God for many years to not create this ministry. My husband is God's witness to this. In May 2019, I cried and prayed to God asking, "What is my purpose as His servant and daughter?"  As I was having this intimate connection with my Father, Lord, and Savior, I heard Him clearly whisper to me, "You were not rescued by Me for your own satisfaction but to reach out to my children who are seeking an intimate relationship with Me.  I am calling you to be My voice! Your struggles with your physical pain are obstacles from the enemy to deter you from your true purpose, but I will use it for My glory. Trust Me!" At that moment I recalled Job's words "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you" (Job 42:5). I decided to repent and said just as Mary said to the Angel of God in Luke 1:38 "I am the Lord's servant" I will obey even though I am unworthy of this call, and it does not make any sense. Why me? I have no idea what I am doing or what I should do with this call, all I know is I am choosing to be obedient.

I share this to tell everyone who opens this site, God does not make mistakes and everything happens as a part of His perfect, divine plan for you and me! My prayer is that God will use me as a vessel to minister and inspire everyone He allows to find this site, no matter where you are in your walk with Jesus. Or maybe you don't even believe in or know Jesus. I humbly pray that Jesus manifests His will to you through my life experiences and Bible studies that God - through the Holy Spirit - will inspire me to post on this site. Let it be known, I am not a Bible scholar or a Bible guru, I am simply a sinner who has been touched by a Healer. I simply want to share about His everlasting grace, compassion, and warnings that I have learned reading the Bible. My earnest prayer to God about this ministry is to teach me through this Journey how to walk and be led by His Spirit. I do not want to gratify the sinful nature in me by using the freedom He gives through the Holy Spirit for my own selfish purpose (Galatians 5:13). I know that I will learn from each of you as you might also learn from the lessons I will share. To God be the Glory! Amen!


Wow! First, I would like to thank God almighty through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior who has been very patient with me for many years to surrender to his will!  Secondly, I would like to thank my best friend and husband, Pierrot, who has been my inspiration to pursue this call from God since the day we met. I am so blessed to have you in my life! Thank you to my son DiPiero for always asking how is the ministry going Mom?  Lastly, I am forever grateful to Shadvin Technology Inc, Toms Collective LLC and a host of people who have worked hard to make this possible. I thank God for placing each of you in my life journey because without your support, advice, constructive criticism, and dedication this ministry would not have been possible.

Thank you!!

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