Weekly Reflection

John 12:46-NIV

I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.

Growing up, like most children, I did not like the dark. Particularly, growing up in a Caribbean culture where you hear stories about what takes place during the nighttime.  I also think of the many dark places that I have been emotionally in my life.  None of these experiences were pleasant at the time. Can you relate to that your dark places are not pleasant?  Many of us don’t even want to talk about the dark past because it brings so much pain. As much as we hate the dark places in our lives, for many of us the scars and the emotional lifelong impact are not easy to escape.

Many of us might learn, as expected by Society, to put on a happy and strong face despite adversities. However, in the quiet moment when nobody is around, usually at night it hits us like a bulldozer.  Jesus is inviting you and giving you an opportunity to no longer stay in the darkness.  Our darkness is different and requires different degrees of light.  The most incredible truth about Jesus’ offer, he can handle everything.  No load is too light or heavy for our Lord.  That is why only Jesus was able take the whole world sins unto his shoulders so that he can set us free from the darkness of this world (John 3:16-21).  If you desire to be set free from the darkness of life, say yes to Jesus.  No matter where you are in your life or have been, come just as you are. Allow him to transform your life from the evil deeds that the enemy has against you to eternal light of restoration and reconciliation with your creator.

Weekly Scripture John 12:46-NIV

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