Weekly Reflection

John 5:28-29-NIV

Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out---those who have done what is good will rise to live, and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned.

The Gospel according to Jesus! I am always amazed by the teaching of Jesus. Do you sometimes find yourself attempting to wrestle with Jesus' teachings where you try to reason or understand why God says, allows or does certain things throughout the history of human creation? True confession, as I am in this path of reading the Bible and asking God to open my eyes and ears to see things through his eyes and hear things through his ears, I have found myself in more intense conversations with God. I have also learned from King David, even in my most distressful conversations with God, to humbly come back in humility asking for forgiveness and remind myself God is God, and he does as he pleases.

No man can understand the mind and ways of God (Romans 11:33-36). During one of my moments of contention with God about Satan's role in this chaotic world and knowing that only God can stop him, I shared my thoughts with my husband, who cautioned me and brought me back to one of my favorite books in the Bible, Job chapter 40.  During that same week, the Holy Spirit through Jesus led me to John 5:28-30 where Jesus summarized my perilous mind to one truth; there will be an end to all this chaos. When that time comes, we will either be on God's side and live with him for eternity or on the enemy's side and be condemned. The questions we should all ask ourselves, what legacy are we building toward? What will we live for when we hear his voice on that day?

Weekly Scripture John 5:28-29-NIV

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