Weekly Reflection

James 2:24-CJB

You see that a person is declared righteous because of actions and not because of faith alone.

What does the word faith imply in your life? Faith for me is having complete confidence, loyalty and trust in someone or something. What does it mean to you as you profess to be a believer of Jesus? As I continue to study the ministry of Jesus, I learn he had faith in God and therefore believed God’s commands and promises to be true. Jesus surrendered his will to God’s purpose and put his faith in God through obedience.  To say we believe in Jesus and not have the faith to obey his teaching by allowing his word to transform our lives is vain worship.

 James gave a perfect illustration in verse 26 of the same chapter, "As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead." Yes, we can never earn our salvation through works but the expression of gratitude and love toward God's grace and mercy is an expected response by God. John 14:23, Jesus replied, "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them." Our Faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation of our expressed gratitude in action.  As you reflect on your faith in God, can you confidently attest that your daily actions have produced the deeds of your faith through your obedience to God's words?

Weekly Scripture James 2:24-CJB

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