Romans 12:21-NIV

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

I was in line at Costco waiting to do gas when a person came from the other lane, cut me off and took my spot.  At that moment, many thoughts came through my mind.  Believe me, my initial thoughts were not Holy! I can hear the spirit saying, recognize Satan when you see him manifesting before you!  The person is not your enemy, Satan is.  The different scriptures that rang through my ears where Jesus telling me: “Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth” –Mathew 5:8 and “Blessed it are the peace maker for they will be called children of God”-Mathew 5:9.   What this gentleman did was evil, or we would say mean or inconsiderate. I would have been justified to defend my right.  As a daughter of the living God with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I chose to overcome what the devil intended for evil with Good. This man may have walked away feeling good or maybe horrible but I left Costco thanking God for his faithfulness. The driver who was behind me said, how do you remain so cool? And, she stated I was mad for you!  I said Ma’am, I can’t take any credit this is all God. I shared with her I had a good time with the Lord this morning that prepared me for many moments like this.  Look for areas in your day where you can choose to defeat the evil’s scheme with Good according to God’s command!

Weekly Scripture Romans 12:21-NIV