Weekly Reflection

Psalm 23:1-NIV

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

Who is Lord of your life? The word Lord signifies that someone or something has full authority, power and influence over your life. That person or thing is your master and is also the source of your being. Is that who Jesus is your life? When David wrote this verse, it is obvious he was referring to how he views God’s authority in his life. God gave David the confidence that he lacks nothing as long as his creator is his shepherd. Does this message reflect your relationship with Jesus? Jesus calls us to carry our burdens to him (Mathew 11:28-30) and Paul confidently reminds us that our God will provide for all our needs (Philippians 4:19). Who is your Lord and your Shepherd? Who have you pledge your allegiance to (Romans 6: 17)? Oftentimes, there are many things or people who fill that role in our lives such as career advancement, children, relationship, wealth, etc. You fill in the blank! Can you confidently say Jesus is your Lord, Shepherd, and Master of your life?

Weekly Scripture Psalm 23:1-NIV

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