Weekly Reflection

Ephesians 6:10-NIV

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.

What struggles or obstacles are you facing in your life today?  Who or what is the source of your strength?  Is it your knowledge, people in high places, or your success, money/wealth etc.? Do you find yourself fighting hard and the results are not turning into your favor?  Try relying on the Lord’s power.  Let the Lord Jesus be the strength in your pain and sorrow and watch him deliver you.  Nothing is too big or small for our God.  He is mighty to save, and He will never fail you.  Let Jesus be your anchor!  When we take our eyes off Jesus and convince ourselves that we got it, that is when we feel weak and defeated.  Live in victory through His mighty power! Watch your strength grow against the enemy’s schemes.

Weekly Scripture Ephesians 6:10-NIV

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