Weekly Reflection

Psalm 34:12-13-NLT

Does anyone want to live a life that is long and prosperous?  Then keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies!

I recently read a statement that I can’t recall the exact wording, but it says something like: Lying has become the norm of society, therefore telling the truth has become an extraordinary thing to do.  As you read these scriptures, do you find your mind spinning like mine did?  It appears to me the opposite of what the scripture says is happening all around me. It seems that those who lie and speak evil are winning, living long life and thriving in our society.  It seems that virtues and integrity are not the standard in our society anymore.  Despite what my eyes are seeing, I know God’s Word is truth.  2Peter 3:9, reminds us that God’s patience with the wicked is not slowness.  In fact, God’s desire is to see that no one perishes and hopes that everyone turns from their sins.  Decide today to live a long and prosperous life with God’s truth on your tongue! Let’s not join the crowd that seems louder; let us be the minority who stands for godly truth!

Weekly Scripture Psalm 34:12-13-NLT

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