Weekly Reflection

Revelation 3:17 NIV

You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do  not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.

Jesus wrote this stern rebuke to address the heart and mindset of the Laodicea church. This scripture is very much applicable to our lives today. Jesus is reminding us that being rich in this world can easily lead us to worship our position in life and disregard the God who provides the "rich and affluent" life that we live.  Are you in a position where you feel that you have reached the top and are in no need?  Has your success become the focal point of your life? The scripture above is a reminder if our lives are not God focused, we are doomed for eternal disappointment.

 If we rely on our earthly comfort to become our reassurance and protection, we are being deceived. The people in the Laodicea church certainly did not see themselves as wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked because they were the rich and affluent people of their society. Yet, spiritually according to Jesus that is who they were.  Jesus offered them true wealth and a new purpose for their lives. Jesus called them to embrace true riches and affluent lives which is to rely on God. As we are reflecting on the death and resurrection of Jesus during this Easter season, let’s remember the wealth of Salvation that Jesus has available for all of us through his sacrifice. If Jesus was to write about you today, what would he say about the condition of your heart? Do you feel desperate for God no matter where you are in life? Jesus in Mathew 6:19-21 conveyed the true treasure that we should all strive for. Let us strive to embrace the imperishable wealth that God, through Jesus Christ, has offered us no matter where you might be in your life. Whether we have plenty or little, praise be the name of Jesus (Psalm 96)!

Weekly Scripture Revelation 3:17 NIV

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