Weekly Reflection

Psalm 4:1 NIV

Answer me when I call to you, my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; have mercy on me and hear my prayer.

Father God! We come before you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Please help us see your presence amid our trials and victories. Father, we know that true deliverance from our distress only comes from you.  Heavenly Father! We don't deserve your mercy and your deliverance. There is nothing we can do to earn relief during trials in our lives. Father, we feel surrounded by our enemies at every corner.

 Father, in your words you promise to be with us until the end; you promise you will never give us a rock for bread or a snake for fish. You sent your son to die for our sins not because we were good but because you love us and desire to win us back.  Father God, in Jesus’ name we are asking for your help to defeat this Goliath in our lives. We are asking that you move this Red sea and this Jordan River that are hindering us from crossing over to the promise land. Father, you know each of our loads.  Gracious and merciful Father, please deliver each daughter or son who is reading this prayer and pleading for the gift of a miracle in their lives, as well as their children, family, friends, and neighbors.  We pray this prayer in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ Holy name! Amen!

Weekly Scripture Psalm 4:1-NIV

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