Matthew 28:5-6 NIV

The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.

He has risen!

Do you know why Jesus Christ has risen? We often focus on the cross and his death as we teach on the topic of forgiveness through Jesus Christ which are equally important as He has risen! The fact that He has risen, is the most incredible gift that God has blessed the world with (John 3:16). Why is Jesus risen the most powerful gift to a world full of condemnation?

He has risen so that we can conquer death! Jesus has risen so that we can be free beyond this mortal body that we live in. Jesus says those he set free are free indeed. John 8:36

Jesus has risen so that hell will not be our destination.

Jesus says he will return to take those who belong to him to be with him and his father.

John 14:1-3

Jesus has risen so that we can live a life of confidence in his divine power without shame. Jesus says whoever is ashamed of me at the last day I will be ashamed of him. Mark 8:38

Jesus has risen so that hell will have no authority over our soul.

Jesus says he will cast those who are cursed into eternal fire.  Mathew 25:41

Jesus has risen so that he can be our defender against the enemy's accusations toward us.

My friends whether you believe in the resurrection of Jesus or not, His words will be your final judge. I hope for our soul’s sake we take heed of His word! John 12:47-50

Yes! He has risen so that we can rise out of shame, guilt, hopelessness, bitterness, hatred, unforgiveness, lies, deceit, adultery, substance abuse, and so on. Are you ready to rise to a new life that costs you nothing except deciding to believe and walk with Jesus? Jesus says I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through him! (John 14:6).  Are you ready to rise above the enemy's lies that trap you?   My friend, my prayer is for you, and I to rise just as Christ has risen!  On the day of our final judgement, we want to hear “well done good and faithful servant! (Mathew 25:25).

Weekly Scripture Matthew 28:5-6 NIV

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