Weekly Reflection

Psalm 34:8-CJS

Taste and see that ADONAI is good; How blessed are those who take refuge in him!

Tasting can be a life changing experience. Some tastes can lead you to a positive or negative life experience. What have you tasted in your life? How has it been going for you? The psalmist is inviting you to taste God as your choice of food or drinks.  Oftentimes, you hear people say I became addicted after I tried……. once, you fill in the blank. Have you found that your choice of taste has become bitter in your life? The Psalmist is inviting you to try God’s goodness and he confidently promises tasting God is the best choice. God, through Jesus Christ, is calling you to taste His goodness despite all the bitterness that you might be enduring from the taste of this life. Decide today to taste the Lord and allow the flavor of the Lord to overpower any taste that has been burdensome in your life.  God is offering to take your struggles and burdens from the taste of this life in exchange for rest (Mathew 11:28-30).

Weekly Scripture Psalm 34:8-CJS

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