Weekly Reflection

Job 1: 20-21-CJB

 Iyov got up, tore his coat, shaved his head, fell down on the ground and worshipped; he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will return there. Adonai gave; Adonai took; blessed be the name of Adonai.”

This verse is found in Job chapter one after God allowed Satan to strike everything that was meaningful to Job.  The Holiday is approaching.  For some, it will evoke feelings of joy, excitement, happiness, and memorable times.  And for others, the holiday will provoke feelings of pain, sadness, sorrow, guilt/shame, grief, anger, loneliness, etc.   My prayer for each one of us, like Job, no matter what situation you find yourself in, praise God who can see you through positive and negative circumstances in your life.  For we have a High Priest in Jesus Christ who can sympathize with us in every way (Hebrews 4:15).

Weekly Scripture Job 1: 20-21-CJB

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