Weekly Reflection

Psalm 127: 3 NIV

Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him.

I often hear some parents say my child was a mistake and they did not plan to have a child out of wedlock. Or a parent going as far as telling a child you are a mistake, or I was not ready for you!  Yes, in our disobedience to the word of God and living under the authority of the flesh (sinful nature- Romans 8:6-8), we make mistakes.  And, even in our disobedience God blesses us with rewards. Children are rewards, they are not the reason your life is not what you want it to be.  Stop blame-shifting our sinful decisions onto our children!

They might be a consequence of your poor choices or hateful acts against you, but they are not responsible for how you have brought them into this world.  For the children of God who came into this world through the scenarios mentioned above, you are not a mistake or a representation of anyone's failure. You are a gift from God into a world that has broken people. Praise God who "… fearfully and wonderfully made" you and formed you before you were conceived (Psalm 139:14).  God does not make mistakes, everything he does has a purpose. God has a plan for you and Jesus is the gate to enter his perfect plan for your life.  Allow your creator to restore whatever you may have been told about your life so that you can walk into your true destiny!

Weekly Scripture Psalm 127: 3 NIV

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