Weekly Reflection

Proverbs 19:11-NIV

A person's wisdom yields patience; it is to one's glory to overlook an offense.

Do you often find yourself offended by others’ opinions, thoughts, and actions? For me, there was a time in my life when the answer would have been a resounding yes, I do get offended often by others. Through many mistakes and trials in my life, Jesus through the Holy Spirit has allowed me to grow in this area.  There was a time in my life, pleasing people and people liking me was highly important for my self-esteem and self-worth. I struggled with this burden for many years in my spiritual journey. I said Jesus is my Lord/Shepherd and I profess to believe that I lack nothing (Psalm 23:1), yet internally I was consumed by others’ opinions, thoughts and actions toward me.

 During those periods, although I said “Jesus is my Shepherd I lack nothing” it was just a theory because the scripture had no influence and power in my life. How did I come to this conclusion?  One day the Lord asked me, why do I do the things that I do? As I meditated through the question, I became emotional because I then realized my life was being governed by people and things around me. Jesus was not the Lord of everything in my life. I decided to work through the roots of Satan's scheme so that I could allow myself to live under the freedom of Jesus Christ.  To experience the freedom in Jesus (Galatians 5:1), I had to face the root of my behavior which was simply my upbringing. Growing up, I was ridiculed, verbally attacked, mentally terrorized by people and many of them were family members who were supposed to protect me. I never dealt with those incidents, the only way I harnessed my experiences was by striving to prove people from my past wrong and pleasing the new people in my life. Let me tell you, as Jesus freed me from those chains, I realized the burden I had been carrying for many years.  It was exhausting.  When I am asked now why I do what I do, it's not for people or what my flesh desires but it is to glorify God. Consequently, when people have their opinions, thoughts, and take actions toward me, I am no longer easily offended.  Scriptures teach that these people are not my enemy.  Satan is my enemy, and he will use any available vessel to enslave me and hurt God (Ephesians 6:10-13). I pray that God will allow Mathew 5:5 to be the precept that I live by; "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth."  Meek is defined as quiet, gentle, submissive, etc. (Oxford dictionary).  As I am continuing to grow in this area, I have overcome bitterness, fits of rage and hatred. I recalled a sample practice that I implemented which has helped me grow in this area; I find myself making simple decisions like, if someone wants to be my friend, great! However, I will no longer work harder to build a friendship because at that point it's not friendship but a burden. In Galatians 1:10, Apostle Paul says our goal is to seek the approval of God not men.  As you assess all that you do, evaluate why do you do what you do. Do you find yourself hurt and disappointed by others often? What barriers in your life do you need to overcome to experience freedom in Jesus?

Weekly Scripture Proverbs 19:11-NIV

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