Weekly Reflection

Proverbs 11:4 NIV

Wealth is worthless in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.

How can something so valuable to mankind be so worthless? What is wealth to you? The answer to this question will differ for everyone. This passage prompted me to ponder on the tragic fires that have been going on around the United States and most recently in Hawaii where many people lost their lives and possessions.  Imagine where you are in life!  What or who in your life do you consider valuable?  Wealth does not always equal money or possessions. It could be something or someone that influences your life or things that you have an abundance of, such as money. The families in Maui woke up and found their lives suddenly changed. Although every one of those victims are grieving the loss of lives and things, their recovery through this traumatic experience will be different. Those whose assurance relies on their possessions, whether dead or alive during this tragedy, have lost it all. However, the people who had made Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior, although their journey in this world might be over, their righteousness will reward them deliverance from the final death. Those walking with the Lord who are alive, know that they may have lost their earthly possessions, but their confidence is in God as their provider, and He promised he will never forsake the righteous. There are several examples in the Bible that demonstrate the response from those who understand the value of God's grace in comparison to what this world offers. Jesus understood the value of righteousness and demonstrated how we, as his students must fight against the Devil’s schemes that lead us toward worthless wealth. When the father of deceiver, Satan (Mathew 4:1-11) attempted to offer Jesus what already belonged to God, Jesus confidently stood against the scheme because he knew who the maker and creator of all things is. Another example is Stephen; he was being stoned for his efforts to persuade the Jewish leaders to choose God over their position of wealth and power.  The scripture says, “Stephen prayed Lord Jesus, receive my spirit” and he asked the “Lord, don’t charge them with this sin!” (Acts 7:59-60).  Zacheus in Luke 19:1-10 and James/John in Mathew 4:18-20 also grasp the significance of what it means to store up wealth that is valuable to withstand the wrath that life brings. There are many other examples of men and women who gave it all to choose God as their anchor during the storms of life. In contrast, read Mathew 19:16-23 and learn from a man who chose the wealth of this world over surrendering his will to God.  Wraths will come. When they do come, who or what do you rely on to deliver you? Wealth of this world or Righteousness?

Weekly Scripture Proverbs 11:4 NIV

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