Weekly Reflection

Hebrews 3:4 Hebrew-Greek Study Bible-KJV

For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God.

Are you in a season in your life where you find yourself frustrated because life is not happening the way you had hoped and imagined? Every decision we make, big or small, represents a brick that we are adding to the structure of our lives. Our life’s journey is like building a house; therefore, the quality of our materials and our builder's skills and knowledge will determine the outcome of the final product. Who is your chief architect and builder? God is the builder of all things. Would you like to build your house under the guidance of a builder who sees the beginning and the end of your life? God is ready to partner with you in your life’s journey through Jesus Christ if you are willing. Our life structure has a builder whether you realize it or not. Your everyday decision is driven by a goal or ambition.  Our life’s goals and ambitions are prone to reflect our sinful nature that is governed by Satan's standards or Spiritual guidance which is governed by God's standards. I recall a period in my life where every decision I made was built with the focus of proving people wrong about my ability to be successful. My traumatic experiences were shaping my life to reflect the flesh instead of the Holy Spirit. As a result, the bricks I was using to build my life were not spiritually healthy. If you look at my life during that period, my sinful bricks were not obvious to the naked eyes. However, my motive in life was driven by anger, bitterness, hunger for status, selfishness, etc.  When I decided to allow Jesus to take complete control of the wheel of my life, I began to see the transformation. I had to be willing to let Jesus take over and renew me to God's purpose. My life is no longer guided by my feelings or what others have done to me. The joy, contentment, and freedom that I experience from surrendering my house to God is beyond any description that I can share.  If God is not your builder, choose to surrender your life to him as your chief architect. The way we can evaluate if God is our builder, is to ask ourselves who do we go to when making any life decisions, big or small? Is God through the scriptures and prayers your first consultant or advisor?

Weekly Scripture Hebrews 3:4 Hebrew-Greek Study Bible-KJV

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