Weekly Reflection

Philippians 1:27 NLT

Above all, you must live as citizens of heaven, conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ. Then, whether I come and see you again or only hear about you, I will know that you are standing together with one spirit and one purpose, fighting together for the faith, which is the Good News.

What citizenship are you defending and fighting for in your life? Apostle Paul in the scripture above was reminding the disciples in Philippi about what is worth fighting for as soldiers in Christ army. Do you know when you became a Christian your citizenship is bound to heaven not to this earth? “If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise” (Galatians 3:29).

If Jesus is our Lord, we are all one unit under his authority not the power of this world. Whether you consider yourself a Jew or a Gentile, Jesus came to break the barrier that separated us from God so that we are all one under God’s sovereignty. So then, why do we often let the affairs and politics of this world lead us to a road away from our heavenly citizenship with our Lord Jesus Christ?  Why do we easily fall into Satan’s trap to choose a side when there are always two sides to every story and the truth.  Only God knows the truth because he knows the minds, hearts, and schemes of all men (Proverb 14:10 & Romans 27:29). If you declare that Jesus Christ is your Lord and you no longer live by the standard of your flesh, you are a transient in this world until we go to our destination. As Jesus said, we are not of this world just as he was not of this world (John 17:16). Presently, in this world there are many nations at war. Our goal as citizens of heaven during these times are not to defend the cause of this world but the “Good News” of Jesus Christ. For instance, there is a season approaching that will expose many people's heart and focus. The sad part is, during this season many people who claim to be Christian will take the scriptures and use it to fight the causes of this world instead of what God calls us to do as his ambassadors. If you don't know what season I am referring to, it is called the election. I pray that whether it's the election or any other world affairs, we will imitate Jesus by recognizing the matters of this world are not God's Good News. Let us not be deceived by those who come in the name of the Lord and who are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Let us remember that no one is good but God. Let's remember just because the scripture is being used by someone that does not mean it's to defend the nature or will of God. Go back to Jesus’ encounter with Satan in Mathew 4:1-11. Satan's goal is to divide and destroy humanity and God's goal is to save us from Satan’s wrath and guide us to find the narrow road to our heavenly home.  Let us fight for what matters, bringing one soul at a time back to God. Let us not be so consumed by the sins of one group and become the judge and executor of men in a world that is not our place of citizenship. God is the only one who is the final judge who can decide the innocent or guilty (Hebrews 10:30-31). I am continuing to learn there is always more to every story from what my eyes see, and my ears hear. Let's be alert and sober minded (1Peter 5:8) so that we can fight against the enemy's scheme to proclaim truth according to God's Good News!

Weekly Scripture Philippians 1:27 NLT

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