Weekly Reflection

Mark 10:27-NIV

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”

Is there anything that is weighing you down where you feel there is no hope or no way out? I know we have heard this statement many times, ‘bring it to Jesus’ and it has become a cliché to our ears. When you are tempted to doubt God when life brings you situations that seem impossible and you are about to give up, think about the faithful men and women in the Bible who chose not to give up and brought their life circumstances to God.

Let me share about a few of these heroes in the faith with you: Daniel in the lion’s den deciding his God will save him and even if he doesn’t he will still trust his sovereignty (Daniel chapter 6); Think of the woman who was bleeding for twelve years and spent everything she had and put her faith in action and was healed (Luke 8:43-48);  Think of the Israelites as they saw Pharaoh’s army coming toward them and they felt trapped because that is what their eyes saw but God taught them he is a way maker even when it seems impossible (Exodus chapter 14); Think of Mary and Martha who thought the death of their brother was the end of the story but Jesus showed them he is life therefore he can give life through the power the father gave him  ). We can share several other examples of God displaying that he has no limits.  When Jesus said nothing is impossible to God, He believed it and he experienced it firsthand when he himself was resurrected to life so that you and I no longer live a life that is restricted to what our eyes can see. Our God is “able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” Ephesians 3:20-NIV. Surrender to God whatever it is that seems unreachable, hopeless, discouraging, defeated and watch him use your situation for his glory just as he said when he delivered the Israelite from Pharaoh’s wrath. God, through Jesus Christ, has done many impossible miracles in my life and I know he is ready to do the same for you if you let him.

Weekly Scripture Mark 10:27-NIV

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