Psalm 31:3-4 KJV
For You are my rock and my fortress; Therefore, for Your name’s sake, Lead me and guide me.
Each of our journey with God is different. What does it mean to you when you read God is your “rock and fortress?” This is my scripture for the year 2024. Yes! Every year, as I am led by the spirit, I choose a theme scripture and from the theme scripture I meditate on a phrase that helps me focus on my spiritual journey for the year. This year did not start as I normally expected. Well! Neither did the end of 2023. Can you relate how God sometimes change your plans to remind you that he is the Lord.
Throughout the month of October and November, I was having a moment of defiance with God. As we often do, I was having a temper tantrum where I said no to God’s direction. I went further to bargain with God and decided I will obey him after I complete my personal to do list. One evening, I prayed asking God to please lead and guide me on what to do because I am feeling stuck and confused. The next day, at 6:40 am a sister in Christ and friend was awakened by the spirit to text me a specific message. According to the friend, she was “wrestling” if I would be upset at her as she was typing the message. This friend had no idea that I was fighting with God and what I prayed the night before. Her message read, “Good morning put Him first, if He tells u to do something do it. He will equip you. His will be done. What good is salt if not salty, it will be thrown out. If you won’t He will find another to accomplish his will. Like Esther for such a time as this…Please stop telling the Lord God Almighty no or later.” As I read her message, I burst out laughing and said God your Holly Spirit is alive and well. I called my friend and shared with her that God used her to answer my prayer and speak to me directly. November 23, 2023, was when my theme for this year was revealed, “Yes Lord I will Obey show me the way.” Late in January 2024, the Spirit led me to this scripture which fit perfectly to my theme for the year. Obedience to God’s call is never easy but rewarding. Jesus our Lord and Savior understood the cost and the reward of being obedient to God’s will (Mathew 6:9-10; Luke 22:42-44). The first week of January, I prayed asking God to show me what I am stepping into; one day that week, I had a vision that until today I am afraid to speak of. I pray that God is the rock and fortress that you are building your foundation on. I pray that everything we engage in for the year 2024 is for the Lord’s sake as we surrender to his will to lead and guide us to his truth.