Weekly Reflection

Psalm 18:19 NIV

He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.

While I was driving, a thought came to my mind. God rescued me while I deserved to be cast out to hell. I said aloud, “I know!” I then said, “why would God rescue me or any of us yet to throw us away?” Then the voice inside of me said exactly, that is what the enemy wants you to believe. The verse above was written as part of a song David sung to praise God from saving him from his enemies. Do you believe that God is delighted in you? Do not look at the trials in your life to answer this question. Believing in someone takes faith. It is also to have the confidence no matter what the outcome of your circumstances might be, knowing without any doubt, our God, through the blood of Jesus Christ loves us and will complete what he has promised (Hebrews 11:1).

What does it mean to you, when you read the passage above that God brought David into a spacious place? David was able to sing this song at the end of his victory against his enemy because he believed and trusted when God looked at him, He is captivated, charmed, enchanted, excited, thrilled, he found pleasure, enjoyment, and satisfaction in him. The noun and verb words that I listed to describe what David believed God saw when he looked at him are words used to describe “Delight-ed.” David’s perspective on why God brought him into a spacious place is very intriguing to me. God knew the sins and errors of David before he committed them. Despite it all, he rescued him and brought him into a spacious place. James who describes himself as a servant of God and Jesus Christ, drew a similar conclusion as David did in Psalm 18:19 when he addressed the Christians who were scattered in James chapter 1: 2-18. James reminded his fellow disciples to not let their trials dictate their faith and trust in Jesus’ promises to them.  In verse 12 of chapter one he gave them a heavenly focus that is far greater than any trials they might experience, “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” Is the devil telling you God is done with you? And are you believing his lies because you have messed up so badly or you feel empty because life has been beating you up? God sent Jesus to die for you knowing you are a mess, and you would mess up (Romans 5:6-9).  Scripture teaches that everything we have done in our lives are already known by God (Hebrews 4:13, Psalm 139). My friend you must not let people, whom Satan’s demons have captured, use their crafty minds to make you believe otherwise. Jesus came to rescue those in the world who believe in him and to turn them away from darkness (John 12:44-50, John 3:17,).  God is already your champion because he delights in you, no matter where you are in life. Jesus is waiting for you to allow him to take you to your spacious place like he did for David and others in the Bible (Luke 7:36, John 7:53-8:11, Acts 9:1-19, Matthew 9:20-22, etc..).  Trials are not meant to defeat you but to draw you closer to God. Jesus during his trials believed in God’s power to save him, instead he chose to take on all our sins (Matthew 26:53, Matthew 8:17). Jesus died taking a risk, knowing that even though he died for the whole world (John 3:16), many would not choose him but believed the few who would be worth his sacrifice to escape condemnation (Matthew 3:17-21, John 1:9-14). God’s plan for your soul on earth is the same from the first day he cried this verse in 2 Chronicle 7:14-16, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  What are you waiting for? God is ready to bring you to your spacious place because he delights in you!

Weekly Scripture Psalm 18:19- NIV

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