Weekly Reflection

John 5:24- NIV

Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.

How does one cross over from death to life? According to Jesus, whoever hears the word of God and believe in God who sent Jesus has eternal life.  This passage is part of a bigger puzzle in understanding the process from death to eternal life. Many people read this passage and believe it's the entire picture of Salvation. Jesus later during his ministry explained what hearing and believing his words looks like in John chapter 14 and 15.

Jesus says if we love him, we will obey his teaching. Jesus repeated his condition of love several times with no room for compromise or miss interpretation. Colossians 3:1-24 provides us with a wealth of clarity about what a life that transition from death to life ought to look like. There are many passages that God has allowed to be written to help us learn how to access the narrow path to his eternal glory as we follow Jesus who is the door (John 14:6) to enter our original destiny set by God from the beginning of time. Let's take some time to reflect on what it means when we transform (Romans 12:1-2) from our sinful life which leads to death and to a life in Christ that leads to eternal life with God.

Weekly Scripture John 5:24- NIV

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