Weekly Reflection

Hebrews 11:6 NIV

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

Have you seen the old cartoons where there are two figures on each shoulder of a character trying to convince them the right actions or path to go? One is depicted as an angel, and the other as a devil.  This visual picture is a daily battle for every human being in this world. It is easy to say that we believe in God. The question is, do we believe in God or know of God?  What does it mean to profess that God through Jesus Christ is our only source of life?  I would like you to think about this passage, “Thou believes that there is one God; though doest well:  the devils also believe and tremble (James 2:19- KJV).  

Knowing God exist or know of him does not equal having faith and earnestly seeking him as the scripture above referenced. However, when we believe in someone or a thing, we are invested in learning and growing in our knowledge and understanding about the person or thing. In my Christian journey, I have stumbled many times in my faith and will continue to while I am in this sinful body striving to fight against Satan’s lies against God.  Do you know that you can believe someone or something to be true and choose to not have faith in that person/something?  A perfect example is Satan.  He knows that the existence of God is truth and believes he exists but has decided to not have faith in God as his creator and resist seeking God’s will for his life.  Without faith it is impossible to please God because if our faith is not grounded in who God is, we will easily be tossed by every kind of demonic voices that might come with different teachings that sound like truth (Ephesians 4:14).  I realized that this statement is becoming increasingly popular in our Society “Let’s agree to disagree” particularly amongst Christians.  This is one of the most dangerous statements that Satan is using to lead people away from facing the truth of God. My conviction and prayer for everyone is for our faith in God’s providence and absolute truth to never be shaken or shattered by those who utilize their Biblical intellectual or leadership position like the Pharisees did during the time of Jesus to lead us away from God’s truth.  As you are living by faith in Jesus Christ, remember Satan and his demons have a goal which is to lead you away from the voice of God so that you can walk toward hell with him (Revelation 20).  Remember Satan and his demons know there is an appointed time, and Satan will stop at nothing to throw each of us into confusion so that you fall from the path of life (Matthew 8:29).  I have been criticized by different people since I was a little girl about my convictions and have been called names because of my faith in Jesus’ truth. I know many more will come against my conviction and faith.  In those times of challenges, I will continue to fight to block the noises.  I will remember the foundation of my mission which is faith in God through seeking Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, the only way to eternal life (John 14:6). Anything beyond that truth I heed the warning of apostle Paul, “But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless” (Titus 3:11).   May your faith Ground on this simple fact that we must earnestly seek God through loving Jesus Christ in submission to his commands out of our gratitude for what he has done for us and where he promises to lead us! (John chapter 14 & 15; Revelation chapter 21 & 22).

Weekly Scripture Hebrews 11:6 NIV

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