Weekly Reflection

Colossians 1:21-22 NIV

Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation.

Are You Alienated from God?

Are you merely going through the motions of religion without a true spiritual foundation? In this passage, the apostle Paul warns us that we cannot expect to be set apart and free from Satan’s accusations if we continue to live without rejecting our sinful behavior and fully surrendering our lives to Christ. Transformation comes only through Christ, not by empty religious rituals.

Paul understood how Satan loves to plant thoughts in our minds—thoughts that, if left unchecked, give birth to sinful desires and ultimately separate us from God. This is why we must choose to be hidden in Christ if we desire the Spirit of truth and freedom to dwell within us (John 14:15). Satan is subtle in how he infiltrates our thoughts, leading us toward destructive desires and behaviors. I recall how jealousy once attempted to alienate me from God. I had always wanted to have more children. Despite doctors telling me that pregnancy was nearly impossible, I cried out to God in anguish, and He spoke to me, assuring me that I would have a son and that I should name him Jeremiah. Before I even had the chance to visit a fertility specialist, I became pregnant. I believed in God’s promise, and sure enough, we had a son and named him Jeremiah. Miraculously, I experienced none of the complications the doctors had predicted.

Fast forward a few years, and I found myself praying and fasting, asking God for another child. This time, however, the answer was a clear and undeniable no. I struggled with that answer for years, and resentment began to take root in my heart. Before I knew it, my pain had turned into jealousy toward other women who were able to conceive. Outwardly, I seemed happy for them, but inside, I was bitter. Proverbs 14:30 became painfully real in my life: “A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.” My jealousy led me down a path of sinful behaviors, particularly anger toward God. I lived a deceitful life, pretending to rejoice with friends, family, and my community, all while harboring darkness in my heart.

Yet, through it all, God was patient and merciful. His discipline and grace eventually brought me back to my senses. I remember praying, crying, and pleading with God, trying to convince Him of how unfair and painful His answer felt. During one of my prayer times, the Spirit asked me: Do you trust God's will for your life? I answered yes, and He responded, Then live as Jesus did—even to the point of death (Matthew 27:23). What thoughts, desires, dreams, or lies has Satan planted in your mind that are pulling you away from God? There is nothing this world can offer that is worth losing your soul (Matthew 16:26).

Weekly Scripture Colossians 1:21-22 NIV

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