Weekly Reflection

1 John 4:18 NIV

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

I went for a prayer walk pouring my heart out to God regarding some fears that were heavily crunching my spirit. As I began to confess my worries to God, all these scriptures about his promises flooded my mind. I began to smile and cry as the Holy Spirit reminded me that I am covered by the blood of Jesus.  In that moment, I could only groan as the spirit interceded on my behalf for the remainder of the prayer walk.

 I don't know where you are in this season of your life. Wherever you might be, remember "There is no fear in Love."  Do you believe that God is bigger than any problem you might be facing? The next morning after my prayer walk, I was reminded by God, if I believe I am made perfect in love through Jesus Christ, why do I fear when giants come my way? Our giants come in different forms, whatever it might be, remember God sees the beginning and the end of every story in your life. Jesus promised that if we remain in him, we are safe (John 15:5-8)! My friend, I know it is hard to see clear during the storms of life; just know that no darkness can hinder God's protection and victories in our lives. The Devil does not hold the pen to your final story. The enemy wants us to believe that God wants to punish us or has rejected us. Yes, we deserve rejection and punishment, but Jesus paid it all so that the few who chooses the narrow road will not have to live in fear (Mathew 7:13-14). Yes, our God is a sovereign, gracious, merciful, and compassionate father who also disciplines us when necessary because he loves us (Hebrews 12:6). Do not lose heart! Trust the process because your trials are nothing compared to the victories that God promises. Fear, unknowingly, can lead us to deny the power of God's word; that he loves us and wants to bless us with the desires of our heart (Psalm 145:8-16).  Remember, if you remain in the true vine, you can only bear good fruit that will lead us to that perfect love (John 15:1-17). God sees the beginning and the end of every story, which includes your life’s story. Do you trust and believe he got you?

Weekly Scripture 1 John 4:18 NIV

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