Weekly Reflection

1 Corinthians 1:28-29

God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things---and the things that are not---to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him.

I have read this passage throughout my journey with the Lord, but it has never rung so true as when it was being read to me by a young teenage girl on a Sunday afternoon. These scriptures are the opposite of how ministry is built today.  In the religious community, the more titles, education, and visible attributes you have behind your names, the more likely you will be chosen to be a leader. This mindset is so opposite of Jesus' ministry. He was born in a humble way and chose lowly people to build his ministry. This passage was read and shared with me by a young girl who is starting her journey with God.  You may wonder why the passage spoke to my inner soul that day. During that same week, I was pleading with God about a vision I had after fasting and praying. My plea was God not me! I can't be and do what you are showing me. I went further to list all the weaknesses that I have and all the obstacles that might get in my way.  God is a simple God who chooses the least amongst us to display his power. I always pray for God to use me as a vessel for his will. When the Lord does whatever he pleases with my life, I will boast in his mighty name, YAWEH! Knowing it is not by my might and human intelligence but through the power and will of God this has come to life.  Our God takes pride in using the people who are considered insignificant to humble the proud, arrogant and the intelligent people of this world. If you are a son or daughter of the Living God, thinking why me, you should ask yourself why not you?  Your God, YAWEH, is bigger than any obstacles or imperfections you may have.

Weekly Scripture 1 Corinthians 1:28-29

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